4 Thanksgiving Side Dishes

  1. Roasted Asparagus
4 Thanksgiving Side Dishes
  1. Rinse the asparagus under cool water
  2. Cut the bottoms off each asparagus stock above the purplish section
  3. Prepare a pan with tin foil and lay the asparagus on the tinfoil
  4. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the asparagus
  5. Next, add the fresh ground pepper
  6. Sprinkle some sea salt
  7. Sprinkle some lemon juice
  8. Preheat the oven to 375 °F
  9. Cook the asparagus for exactly 7 minutes

2. Sauteed Carrots

  1. Wash, peel and slice up two large carrots and place them in a pot
  2. Add some butter
  3. Sprinkle on some salt
  4. Set the temperature on the stovetop to just above medium
  5. Keep stirring the carrots every few minutes to avoid burning them (very important)
  6. After 10 minutes turn the heat down to low to keep the carrots warm before serving

3. Brussel Sprouts and Bacon

1 lb. (450g) Brussel Sprouts
3 Slices of Turkey Bacon (or Regular Bacon)
1/4 Diced Onion


Cut 1 lb. of Brussel Sprouts into halves
Dice up 3 strips of turkey bacon (or regular bacon)
Dice 1/4 onion

Boil Brussel Sprouts

Bring a small pot of water to a boil on the stovetop
Add a pinch of salt to the water
Add in the 1 lb. of halved Brussel Sprouts
Cover with a lid and cook for 3 minutes

Pan Frying

Preheat a skillet on the stovetop
Add some butter
Add the diced bacon
Keep cooking the bacon until it just begins to start shrinking
Add the diced onion
Add some more butter
Stir the onions until they just begin to look golden brown
Add the Brussel Sprouts
Add some more butter
Add a pinch of salt and some ground pepper
Stir until the Brussel Sprouts have a light brown appearance to the flat sides
Remove skillet from stovetop and the food in a serving dish

4. Sweet Potato Hash

1 Large or 2 Medium Sweet Potatoes
2 Medium White Potatoes
1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1 Medium Sweet Onion
4 Cloves of Garlic
1/2 tsp. or 4 Pinches of Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pan Frying

Set the temperature on the stove to high
Add 2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil
Add the 4 cloves of chopped garlic
Add the diced onions and stir until they are golden
Add the diced white potatoes and cook on medium heat for 10 minutes
Remember to stir every few minutes so the food doesn’t stick
Add the diced sweet potatoes
Add 1/2 tsp. or 4 pinches of salt
Add some fresh ground pepper
Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes
Remember to stir every few minutes so the food doesn’t stick
Add the 1/2 red bell chopped pepper and cook on medium heat for 3 minutes
Transfer the food to a serving bowl